IEDB Next-Generation Tools Cluster Analysis - version 0.1.2-beta ================================================================ Introduction ------------ This tool groups epitopes into clusters based on sequence identity. A cluster is defined as a group of sequences which have a sequence similarity greater than the minimum sequence identity threshold specified. This standalone tool handles most of the data processing for the Cluster tool at The algorithm behind this tool is the same that drives the cluster 2.0 tools at Release Notes ------------- v0.1.2-beta - Initial public beta release Prerequisites ------------- The following prerequisites must be met before installing the tools: + Linux 64-bit environment * - This distribution has been tested on Linux/Ubuntu 64 bit system. + Python 3.8 or higher * - Depending upon the Python version you are using, one of several included pip requirements files can be used. See below for details. + ft2build.h * This library is necessary for building matplotlib To install this under ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libfontconfig1-dev Installation ------------ Below, we will use the example of installing to /opt/iedb_tools. 1. Extract the code and change directory: $ mkdir /opt/iedb_tools $ tar -xvzf IEDB_CLUSTER-0.1.2-beta.tar.gz -C /opt/iedb_tools $ cd /opt/iedb_tools/cluster-0.1.2-beta 2. Optionally, create and activate a Python 3.8+ virtual environment using your favorite virtual environment manager. Here, we will assume the virtualenv is at ~/virtualenvs/cluster: $ python3 -m venv ~/venvs/cluster $ source ~/venvs/cluster/bin/activate 3. Install python requirements. Depending upon the version of python under which this will be installed, use one of the files in the 'requirements' directory. For Python 3.13 or higher: $ pip install -r requirements/requirements-3.13.txt For Python 3.10 to 3.12: $ pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt For Python 3.9: $ pip install -r requirements/requirements-3.9.txt For Python 3.8: $ pip install -r requirements/requirements-3.8.txt Usage ----- python3 -j [-o] [-f] The format of the input JSON file is described below. The output_prefix and output_format are optional. By default, the output will be printed to the screen in TSV format. Options are 'tsv' or 'json'. Run the following command for typical usage examples: > python3 src/ -h Input formats ------------- Currently, only JSON input is supported. *NOTE*: This tool only accepts JSON inputs, formatted as described below { "input_sequence_text": ">Mus Pep1\nLEQIHVLENSLVL\n>Mus Pep2\nFVEHIHVLENSLAFK\n>Mus Pep3\nGLYGREPDLSSDIKERFA\n>Mus Pep4\nEWFSILLASDKREKI", "method": "cluster-break", "cluster_pct_identity": 0.7, "peptide_length_range": [ 0, 0 ] } * input_sequence_text: a fasta-formatted string. To create an appropriate string from a fasta file: awk '{printf "%s\\n", $0}' * method: the cluster method to use. Descriptions of each method can be found at Possible values are: - cluster-break - cluster - cliques * cluster_pct_identity: The percent identity, expressed between 0 and 1, for members of a cluster. * peptide_length_range: Minimum and maximum cutoffs for the lengths of peptides to include in the clustering. The default of [0,0] indicates that all peptide lengths should be considered. Caveats ------- All IEDB next-generation standalones have been developed with the primary focus of supporting the website. Some user-facing features may be lacking, but will be improved as these tools mature. License ------- This project is licensed under the Non-Profit Open Software License 3.0 (NPOSL-3.0). You can find the full text of the license in the file ``. Contact ------- Please contact us with any issues encountered or questions about the software through any of the channels listed below. IEDB Help Desk: Email: